Wathana is a developer with more than 10 years of experience in software development in J2EE or .NET environment.
Over the last few years, Wathana has excelled in project management with a strong focus on technical expertises.
Jersey Telecom is the incumbent operator in Jersey, with a strong international presence. It has unique expertise in the field of fraud management and IOT. After a functional scoping study, SpikeeLabs carried out a logical inventory for JT, from its base in Rennes which led to the implementation of a unique data repository.
Covage is a telecom infrastructure operator focused on fiber networks. It deploys and operates FTTO and FTTH fiber networks on behalf of local authorities. SpikeeLabs provides comprehensive support from Salesforce CRM to Billing, including inventories and business applications. For more than two years, we have been drawing up their IS steering plan with them, we have been involved in the development of more than ten projects, and we maintain about twenty applications.