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Here are some reference of projects done for our customers.

CNP Assurances is an insurance company whose main shareholders, the Banque Postale and the BPCE group, distribute their products in France through their numerous branches. They are leader in loan insurance and 2ᵉ in life insurance in France.

As an automotive supplier and world leader in hydraulic systems, the Bontaz Group designs, develops and produces innovative sub-assemblies in mutltiple sites around the world, in close proximity to carmakers and local markets. Founded in 1965, the group counts more than 4,000 employees in 11 countries

The Harvest Group is a TechForFin, the national leader in wealth and client portfolio management tools. Founded in 1989, the group counts more than 400 employees and aims to become a major player in the European market.

INSA Rennes is a public engineering school preparing students to a Master degree in Engineering. The school is a member of the INSA Group, the leading network of public engineering schools in France.

The LISI Group is a global group specialising in the design and manufacture of assembly solutions for the aerospace, automotive and healthcare industries. LISI Automotive is the automative dedicated branch and has its own Information System.

BPCE is the joint central body of the "Banque Populaire" and the French "Caisse d'Epargne". The BPCE group was formed from the 2009 merger of " Caisse Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne" and "Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires."


The ROYER group is the leader in France and one of the most important players in Europe in the shoe trade. SpikeeLabs was involved in the implementation and integration of a Talend ETL to manage the integration of different information flows within its ERP.

Ouest Valorisation supports research organizations in Brittany and Pays de Loire in the promotion of their work, and with a view to future commercialisation. SpikeeLabs has been chosen to write 3 distinct functional architecture documents on the implementation of a Learning Managment System solution, data structuring, automation and optimization of information processing.

The Roullier Group specializes in the production and chemical transformation of nutrients and food for plants, animals and humans. SpikeeLabs was given the responsability of managing the redesign of their backoffice. Roullier can now offer its sales staff an adapted business solution, enhanced with pre-existing data.

The UP Group is a company that designs restaurant vouchers among other things, but also markets BtoB products and services. SpikeeLabs participates in the redesigning and the securing some of its tools, thanks to the creation of a team of java experts at our head offices.

Created in 2013 by major players in electric mobility, GIREVE is engaged in developing the emer-ging market for electric charging operations. In order to secure its IOP communication platform and following a functional study of its requirements, SpikeeLabs installed and configured the WSO2 API Management solution.


Evolution XY is a major player in French and European bovine genetics. SpikeeLabs has been involved in the redesign of their message-oriented information system. Two of our experts framed the requirement and implemented Agile best practices around Python and RabbitMQ.