for all offers and subscriptions based on our BillingLabs technology
The structure of the company with multiple subsidiaries means that each one has its own pricing and rules for its offer which are derived from a central model for FTTO and FTTH.
Each entity invoices in a non-centralized way, without using a common tool.
Based on our “BillingsLabs” software line, the Covage billing solution enables them to bill the customers of the group’s 50 subsidiaries for all their offers. The system makes it possible to collect orders in existing systems and generate invoices.
The system has been extended to become the repository of Covage offers for the entire information system. It provides the content, parameters and options of these offers and allows the generation of personalized quotes according to the customer and its subsidiary.
Working in Agile mode, the teams participate in the capture of the requirements, the developments, the deployment and the maintenance in operational conditions. Each sprint is managed by daily meetings, retrospectives and sprint planning in collaboration with the Covage teams.
Developed in accordance with GitOps practices, the entire Build, Packaging and Deployment processes are carried out by Gitlab and Azure Devops pipelines.
2 projects, 8 team members